In most traditional poker games, the order of play follows a consistent pattern. Here is a general overview:
Posting the Blinds or Ante: Before each hand, players may be required to post forced bets known as blinds or antes. Blinds are common in games like Texas Hold'em and Omaha, while antes are more typical in games like Seven Card Stud.
Dealing the Cards: After the blinds or antes are posted, the dealer distributes cards to each player. The number of cards and the way they are dealt depend on the specific variant of poker being played.
Betting Rounds:
First Betting Round: Starting to the left of the big blind, each player has the option to call (match the big blind), raise (increase the bet), or fold (discard their hand and forfeit the round).
Subsequent Betting Rounds: In games like Texas Hold'em and Omaha, additional community cards are revealed in separate betting rounds, each followed by a round of betting. Players can again call, raise, or fold based on their hand and the community cards.

Showdown (if necessary): If more than one player remains after the final betting round, there is a showdown. Players reveal their hands, and the player with the best hand (according to hand rankings) wins the pot.
Awarding the Pot: The player with the best hand wins the pot. In the case of a tie, the pot is split among the tied players.
Starting a New Hand: The dealer position rotates clockwise, and a new hand begins with the posting of blinds or antes.
It's important to note that different poker variants may have variations in the specific rules and order of play. The above sequence is a general guideline and may not apply exactly to every poker game. Always refer to the specific rules of the variant you are playing.